User Profile for SpikyCactus

SpikyCactus High Rating
Tagline: I have a Gold Star!
Location: United Kingdom  Reading, England, United Kingdom
Occupation: Gig Economy Worker
Interests: Music, films/TV, video games, hiking, reading, role-playing games, growing cacti
Member Since: Friday, July 16, 2010 (5167 days ago)
Last Forum Visit: Saturday, September 7, 2024 1:01 PM
Forum Posts: 520    Forum posts by SpikyCactus
Accepted Profile Contributions: 888
Accepted Image Contributions: 476
Contribution Votes Cast: 233
Profile Links Submitted: 373
Contact Information
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Online Collection
Last Uploaded: Total DVDs: 8,974
Total Views: 1,327    Owned: 8,974
   Ordered: 0
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Recent Purchases
Goldilocks and the Two Bears
Hostile Dimensions
The Wedding Present: Watusi 30 Live
Journey to the End of the Night
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