Hello, I have a question about bonus films.
I recently submitted an update to the Anchorman: Rich Mahogany Edition Blu-ray. This is a 2-disc set. Disc 1 features the "Anchorman" + bonus material. Disc 2 features a companion film "Wake Up, Ron Burgundy" + more "Anchorman"-related bonus materials. Disc 2 is simply labeled "Disc 2: Special Features". A child profile is available for this bonus film.
Regarding Bonus Feature Films, the Contribution Rules state:
"Create the profile for the main feature in line with the standard Contribution Rules with the title of the Bonus Feature Film added to the Other Features field. Create a child profile for the "Bonus Feature Film" using the individual UPC if available or use Disc ID (read on a DVD-ROM) if not available. When creating a child profile, do not remove the "Bonus Feature Film" Disc ID from the main profile. When profiling the "Bonus Feature Film", only profile the data associated with that film. Any features associated with the Main Feature belong to the Main Feature profile. Add the additional profile to the Main Profile as a child profile via the Box Set button. Cover Images: Use the cover image from the Main Feature profile's packaging. Exception: If the "Bonus Feature Film" is individually packaged, use the cover images from that packaging. "
The existing profiles follow a layout where the main profile lists all Disc 1-based extras, whereas the child profile "Wake Up, Ron Burgundy" lists all Disc 2-based extras even though most of these pertain to the main film. If I am interpreting the rules correctly, this is wrong. The main profile should encompass all disc contents, and the child profile only the contents (audio, subtitles, commentaries) related to the bonus movie.
I've submitted a contribution for the main profile which lists "Wake Up, Ron Burgundy" as an "Other Feature" and all Disc 2-based extras. I've also submitted another contribution for the child feature which strips it of the "Anchorman"-related features.
I received comments suggesting that listing "Wake Up, Ron Burgundy" as an "Other Feature" in the main feature profile is incorrect because a child profile already exists for the bonus film. But from what I interpreted from the quoted section of the rules, this is as it should be.
Am I correct in this? The real reason I ask is because I intend to update the "Apocalypse Now: Full Disclosure" set which includes "Hearts of Darkness" on disc 3 with other "Apocalypse Now"-related extras. Would I be correct in treating "Hearts of Darkness" as a bonus movie and listing all other disc 3 features on the main profile, as well as "Hearts of Darkness" as an "other feature"?
Thanks for any guidance, and I apologize for such a long-winded post.