this is a horrid translation of what was posted : Since I know that there is here numerous German user and my desire is to be fulfilled probably with on-board means of the best Proggies of all times, I contact times directly into German you. Thus: I white that it gives/gave a Plugin, which with the help of the brother P Touch the bar codes of the registered films spend can/could. Now a P-Touch is already not at all inexpensive and the expendable material for this not straight. Thus I seek to collect and print the bar codes after a possibility including title on commercial Zweckform/Avery labels. Sense and purpose of the whole idea is the following: I often lend my films to friends and acquaintance and put the DVDs into the usual paper bags to give (instead of the originals covering). To these I would give now gladly a bar code, in order me the Scanfunktion of the iPhone App too use to make and for me the tip/search work with the rental business and return procedure as possible make as simple. I remembered a catalog with bar codes to perhaps provide to be however unfortunately provided have no notion as I an expenditure for catalog titles and the Cover can. -=-=-=-=- First off I hope this helps you out a little. When using the bar codes to scan, the PTouch can do this without much issue, you just have to build a template layout that works for you. Putting the bar codes into so other program should be possible with the correct coding or information export to something like word. I used the p-touch to do the following : You could put the bar code on the paper sleeve, but when I loan DVD's to friends I put it into a standard DVD case with a post it note where the sleeve is. Or I use a little padded 10 CD holder like some people use to hold a few cd's in their cars. I would look into some of the xml exporters tools -Robert |