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Child Profiles Question
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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar Contributortkinnen
Registered: May 9, 2008
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I am starting to work on child profiles for

Abbott and Costello: The Complete Universal Collection

Using box set rules it stats "Create each of these individual profiles in line with the standard Contribution Rules with one exception - Cover Images. If a film is individually packaged, use the cover images from that packaging."  And standard rules say use the title from cover.

The contents of the box set are packaged in two DVD Digipaks each with two Moves on each DVD.

The title on each of the individual packaging is:

Abbott & Costello: Discs 1-2: The Complete Universal Collection
Followed by the 4 original movie posted for the 4 movies on the 2 DVDs.

(disc numbers changed as apporiate for the discs)

My quetion is:

Whien creating the title on the child profiles by disc ID do I use:

A) Abbott & Costello: Discs 1-2: The Complete Universal Collection: Movie Title A/B/C/D

As this matches the rule of using the title as on the cover of the case (if you could the posters as part ofthe title) but I will not fit and have two moves not on each disc.

B) Abbott & Costello: Disc 1: The Complete Universal Collection

And put the movie titles in the Disc ID section (Many will not fit)

C) Abbott & Costello: Disc 1: The Complete Universal Collection: Movie Title A/Movie Title B

D) Abbott & Costello: Disc 1: Movie Title A/Movie Title B

E) Movie Title A/Movie Title B

and put "Abbott & Costello: Disc 1: The Complete Universal" in disc ID section (All that will fit)

I personally am leaning towrds E  due to a number of the titles being very long.  For example disc 11 is:

Abbott and Costello in the Foreign Legion / Abbott and Costello Meet the Invisible Man

Now to just put one more variation in there while listed in the overview, on the DVDs art work, and on the back of the cases the titles for the above are as listed as above.  However, in the credits and move posters on the front of the individual cases the titles are listed as:

Bud Abbott and Lou Costello in the Foreign Legion
Bud Abbott and Lou Costello Meet the Invisible Man

I figured I'd get feedback here first then possiably have them bouncing back and forth later on or get rejected.

DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar Contributormdnitoil
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My wife has informed me that I'm not allowed to even consider this until Christmas morning.

She was never very good with secrets.

As far as child titling is concerned, I'd go with option E and confine the title to the actual movies they contain.  We already know it's the complete Universal Collection from the parent profile.  Oh...and that reminds me that the parent profile is misnamed.  I believe the package is actually called Abbott and Costello: The Complete Universal Pictures Collection.
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar Contributor?
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think you can only go by the DVD Box rules for movies.
one consideration could be: are the discs unique for this collection? are those not a stand alone release as disc or from other DVD box?
another could be the available space in the title?

Abbott & Costello: Title A/ Title B
if the disc's are unique to this collection only, this could go in the edition: The Complete Universal Pictures Collection
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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar Contributortkinnen
Registered: May 9, 2008
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Quoting Giga Wizard:
think you can only go by the DVD Box rules for movies.
one consideration could be: are the discs unique for this collection? are those not a stand alone release as disc or from other DVD box?

They are not profiled for any other release currently and from what I gathered these are new for this box set (lots of people complaining beucase the previous release of the movies were on 2 sided DVDs). 


another could be the available space in the title?

That's one of the problems. If I title them as the rules say (using what is on the case for child profiles) the title will not fit for a number of them.


Abbott & Costello: Title A/ Title B
if the disc's are unique to this collection only, this could go in the edition: The Complete Universal Pictures Collection

True, I did not think of using the edition field for "The Complete Universal Pictures Collection" since the parent profile did not.
 Last edited: by tkinnen
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar Contributor?
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enjoy the profilling, this will keep you busy for some time: Tip profile disc 1 with main dvd details and 2 blank dividers in cast & crew: add the leading artists Abbott & Costello for each divider on that disc. stop with profilling the disc, the rest can foolow later.
Now you can clone that disc to the amount off needed disc's for that collection.
add by title, disable invelos download make title 02, 03 just untill the last disc. add them to owned.
Now comes the nice part:
select the title of disc 1 (no need to open it for edit)
from dvd profiler menu select DVD
select in the popup window copy (near bottom)
select now title 02 (no need to open it for edit)
from dvd profiler menu select DVD
select in the popup window paste (near bottom)
all data is copied from disc 1
select discs 03,04, ... till last disc, and paste every time the disc 1 data to the new disc
you now have saved some typing
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