I'm trying to determine the common name for Make-Up artist Juliana Mendes / Juliana Mendes-Ebden / Julianna Mendes-Ebden / Juliana EbdenI couldn't find much on the net about her. IMDB is not much of a help: IMDB has her as 3 separate persons, all using the same married name and working together on films in different capaciities. While one is credited as MU Artist, the other one is an assistant. nm0578983/ Juliana Mendes aka Juliana Ebden aka Juliana Mendes Mendonça nm1040885/ Julianna Mendes-Ebden aka Juliana Mendes-Ebden nm0247978/ Juliana Ebden aka Juliana Mendes-Ebden Julianna Mendes-Ebden 1 title, 0 confirmedA Knight's Tale Virtual Sexuality (4 profiles) Juliana Mendes-Ebden 1 title, 1 confirmedVirtual Sexuality CHIEF MAKE-UP ARTIST JULIANA MENDES-EBDEN 1:26:12 [4030521290617] Juliana Mendes 2 titles, 2 confirmedA Partilha aka The Inheritance (confirmed by yeshee) O Homem do Ano aka The Man of the Year (confirmed by yeshee) valid until proven otherwise Juliana Ebden 1 title, 0 confirmedSambolico (short) part of: Erotic Tales |