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I bought a copy of MovieBuddy for my iPad for $5 to play around with. It only imports CSV files, however after a lot of tinkering I was able to import a test section of my library. Unfortunately, MovieBuddy uses IMDb ID and TMDb ID instead of UPC to retrieve film data. So while the import included the movie name and my personal data, it did not retrieve anything else. So in order for it to be useful, one has to include a film's IMDb ID and/or TMDb ID in the CSV import file. Right now, I don't know how to do that. Since I am not too keen on subscription services, I am considering subscribing temporarily to one of the apps you mentioned, importing my DVD Profiler data into it and then exporting a CSV file from it, which I then import into MovieBuddy, in the hope it will add IMDb ID and/or TMDb ID data. Whether this will work is anybody's guess. | Posted: Topic Replies: 92, Topic Views: 20635 |
I just tried to import my collection into MovieBuddy. While the xml to csv conversion is painfully achievable, MovieBuddy uses IMDb instead of UPC to identify entries. Since, as far as I can tell, DVD Profiler doesn't record IMDb, this is a non-starter. | Posted: Topic Replies: 49, Topic Views: 18108 |
Collectorz also claims to be able to import DVD Profiler export files, but you need to subscribe to their Movie Collector web service or windows app as well as their iOS app. | Posted: Topic Replies: 49, Topic Views: 18108 |
There are two iOS apps that claim to be able to import data from DVD Profiler, namely, My Movies 5 and iCollect Movies:DVD Tracker. In both cases, however, you will need the PC version of DVD Profiler to export your data. It would be nice if the web site offered a data export option, but I doubt that is ever going to happen. There are other iOS movie apps that import data, e.g., MovieBuddy+, but none of them will import the DVD Profiler export file format. | Posted: Topic Replies: 49, Topic Views: 18108 |
Don't expect any iOS updates but since this recent upload issue is a new server problem, there is a chance it will be corrected. | Posted: Topic Replies: 49, Topic Views: 18108 |
Then you are out of luck until they fix this. Of course, that might never occur. If you have a small collection, you might want to consider using a different app. If you have a large collection you should consider purchasing the PC app. It will extend the life of your iPad app and, more importantly, it will allow you to move your collection to a different iOS app. If you have an Intel Mac, you can use Bootcamp to run Windows 10 for free. | Posted: Topic Replies: 49, Topic Views: 18108 |
This seems to be a problem that iOS users are having with the new server. Let's hope they fix it. If not, sadly, you'll have to find another iOS app. | Posted: Topic Replies: 4, Topic Views: 32044 |
Since this an issue caused by the recent server upgrade, there is a chance that it will be corrected. | Posted: Topic Replies: 49, Topic Views: 18108 |
POPPYBERLIN If you don't have the PC version, you can still upload/download new titles on your iOS devices as long as you don't add any personal info. This is a stopgap measure, in the hope that they will fix this problem. If they don't, your only good choices are to get the PC version or switch to a different iOS app. If you have an Intel Mac, you can use Apple's Bootcamp to load Windows 10 free from Microsoft. Works great! | Posted: Topic Replies: 22, Topic Views: 16262 |
I'm pretty sure the problem is with the new server and not with iOS. I have an iPhone running iOS 12 and it has the same update problem. Check out the other recent posts I put some more details there. | Posted: Topic Replies: 22, Topic Views: 16262 |
If you don't have the PC app, you are pretty well screwed until they fix this issue. Let's hope they do. | Posted: Topic Replies: 49, Topic Views: 18108 |
Check out the topic "I can't upload but can download" for info on this issue. | Posted: Topic Replies: 2, Topic Views: 3561 |
After reading Hampthon's comment more carefully, I checked my online data base via the website after uploading a new title and noticed, as he did, that while it added the title number, the name was blank. So I guess it is not a good idea to upload from your iPad until this issue is fixed. So I'll just be syncing my iPad to my PC for now and then uploading from there to my online database. | Posted: Topic Replies: 49, Topic Views: 18108 |
I just noticed this odd behavior when uploading. If I upload a new title without making any changes to it, it uploads properly even though I get an error message. However, if I add any personal info before I upload, I get the error message, but it doesn't upload anything. Similarly, if I add info to an existing title and then upload, it doesn't upload that new info. Interestingly, if I delete a title and then upload, it uploads properly and I don't get an error message. So it seems the new server is not uploading personal data properly. I hope the powers that be check this problem out and correct things. Otherwise the only way to get personal data into your online database is through a PC upload. | Posted: Topic Replies: 49, Topic Views: 18108 |
Everything seems the same with iOS 17.4.1. | Posted: Topic Replies: 22, Topic Views: 16262 |
Since things seemed to gave stabilized somewhat at the website, I updated to iOS 17.4. So far so good. No noticeable difference.. | Posted: Topic Replies: 22, Topic Views: 16262 |
It's quite easy to add or subtract to an item to a box set using the PC app. I do it all the time. Just open up the parent and select "Box Set Contents". Double clicking an item will add it to or subtract it from the parent. Just make sure to save before exiting. There is an online manual of sorts in the Help tab. | Posted: Topic Replies: 5, Topic Views: 6422 |
Is it actually crashing or are you just getting an error message to try again later? That's what I've been getting. But as I said before, the upload still works. Check your upload database count before and after you try to upload. Then try downloading to another device and see if your changes are there. | Posted: Topic Replies: 49, Topic Views: 18108 |
I think I'll delay updating to iOS 17.4 until the online server issues are resolved. No need to conflate these two. | Posted: Topic Replies: 22, Topic Views: 16262 |
" But was it actually posted by Ken himself, of by someone else at Invelos?"
I had the same thoughts but didn't want to be a Debbie Downer. Of course, any actions or upgrades are good regardless of who does it. I'll continue to hope for the best. | Posted: Topic Replies: 9, Topic Views: 9485 |
I just uploaded my files from my iPad and got an error at the end. However, it seemed to upload OK and I could download to other devices. Not sure what this means. | Posted: Topic Replies: 49, Topic Views: 18108 |
It seems to be working now. | Posted: Topic Replies: 5, Topic Views: 5549 |
I was referring to the weblinks icon in the iOS version of the app. | Posted: Topic Replies: 5, Topic Views: 5549 |
I noticed the same problem but oddly the weblinks icon works and you can access Youtube and previews there. | Posted: Topic Replies: 5, Topic Views: 5549 |
Here's what I did after experiencing your exact problem. I don't know if it changed things but here it is. I connected my iiPad directly to my PC and synced. I then uploaded to the online database from my PC. I then downloaded it to my iPhone. Everything seemed to work on my iPhone so I tried again downloading and uploading from my iPad to the online database and it worked. | Posted: Topic Replies: 49, Topic Views: 18108 |