Quoting mattynealo: Quote: I keep hoping that someone who knows scripting can write a windows script to automate the backup then I can schedule it to run.
I am also running DFS on it an replicating the database to another server. but when the collection is erased it replicates the empty files. Have a look at the command files facility within DVD Profiler itself. I.e. you can call a batch file to do a backup: The help file gives the following command which you can use.. BackupAll [FileName] [NoProfiles, NoCoverScans, NoUserDB, NoTagsDB, NoCastCrewDB] [RenameExisting] Performs a database backup to the selected file name. If RenameExisting is specified, the existing file will be renamed, else it will be overwritted. NoProfiles, NoCoverScans, etc allow backups excluding the specified data. e.g. I have one setup called export.txt This contains the following: OpenDatabase Default ExportXMLAll E:\Homepage_Sites\SF-Brain\phpdvdprofiler\Collection.xml Close And I have a shortcut with the following parameters.. "E:\Apps\DVD Profiler\dvdpro.exe" /CloseExisting /CommandFile="E:\Apps\DVD Profiler Command files\export.txt" And I schedule this to shortcut to run each week. |